

    Applied Behavioral Analysis

    American with Disabilities Act

    A cue, trigger, impetus, incident or person that immediately precedes a behavior. Think of it as the "if" portion of an "if-then" proposition - a condition that comes before an event.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder

Bilateral activity
    physical activity that utilizes both sides of the body equally, such as swimming, biking, jumping rope, running.

    An outcome or effect that conditionally follows a behavior. Think of it as the "then" portion of an "if-then" proposition.

    Rote repetition of the conversation of others (immediate echolalia) or of scripts or past conversations(delayed echolalia). May be functional, as in repeating situation, maybe used as a self-stimulant(calming) device, or may be involuntary and accompanied by little or no comprehension.

Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA)
    Procedure for determining the root or cause of a behavior before developing an interceptive course of action. Under IDEA, schools must complete an FBA when addressing problem behaviors, although specific guidelines for the administration of the FBA are not spelled out under the law.

    Occurs when a person's auditory, visual, tactile and other senses are overly acute, causing painful responses to "normal" stimuli.

    Occurs when a person's auditory, visual tactile and other senses are under-responsive, giving the brain little to no information with which to interpret and respond to environment.

    "Neuro-typical," a person who does not have an autism spectrum disorder

    Occupational therapist, a specialist trained in developing interventions, treatments and activities addressing hyper- or hypo-acute responses to a child's fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, sensory motor skills, life skills, pre-vocational skills, social/emotional development and functional mobility.

Preseveration/Perseverative behavior/Perseverate
    A form of the word 'persevere,' perseveration is the continuation of a response or a behavior long beyong the original impetus.

Positive reinforcement
    An action, item or words that increase the likelihood that desired behavior will be repeated; a reward.

    The ability to sense the position, location, orientation and movement of the body and its parts.

    Penalty or adverse consequence imposed in response to undesirable behavior.

    An object, token, stimulus or other result that supports or encourages the recurrence or continuation of the behavior immediately preceding.

    Routines, techiques, tactics or strategies that help a child manage his or her own behavior and thoughts throughout various settings and changes in enviornment.

Sensory Integration (SI)
    Ability to use information from all seven senses to manage daily activity and communicate with others. The seven senses are: tactile(touch), olfactory(smell), auditory(hearing), visual(sight), gustatory(taste), vestivular(equilibrium/gravity) and proprioceptive(body position awareness).

    Speech/Language Pathologist

Social Stories
    A Social Story is a short story - defined by specific characteristics - that describes a situation, concept, or social skill. It is a carefully scripted text that describes a process and a result in terms that make sense and are actionable to the person with ASD.

    An input, cue, action, influence or anything that eokes a response.

Theory of Mind(ToM)
    The ability to understand that others have beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from one's own.

Token System
    A behavior reinforcement system wherein the child earns tokens or markers for achieving desired behaviors. Upon accumulating an agreed-upon number of tokens, he can exchange them for pre-determined reward activites or items.

    The sense that regulates our equilbrium Vestibular means relating to the vestibule of the ear, an opening at the inner ear that contains the saccule and utricle - the organs of equilibrium. This system regulates our body movements of the head and body and is closely connected to the auditory and visual senses. Vestibular disorder can manifest in "gravitational insecurity," a frightening sense of falling when the position of the head changes.

1001 great ideas for teaching and raising children with autism spectrum
作者:Veronica Zysk,Ellen Notbohm


